Victoria Yang

Victoria Ying

Who are you, and what did you write?

My name is Victoria Ying and I write and illustrate YA and Middle Grade graphic novels!

What hardware and software do you write with?

I use Scrivener for writing my scripts, I use Comic Draw for the iPad to do layouts, I use Procreate for inks, I use Photoshop for colors and I use InDesign for final layout and lettering! Whew! Lots of applications!

When and where do you write?

With graphic novels, some people write as they draw, but it’s always been easier for me to have a full complete script before moving onto any of the art. I get an approved script before I do any drawing. I usually like to write in snatches of the day. I have ADHD and while it can be difficult, I’ve also found ways to work with it to be able to write and finish projects. I work best when I can find a solid 30 minutes between other work and set down words to the page.

What's your dream writing setup?

I need distraction so my current set up with my computer, the internet, a cup of iced coffee and my timer are the best. I can get easily distracted, but if I set up a timer to go off every 15 minutes, I can usually get a good chunk of words in! I also love moving around. Often I’ll take my laptop and go to a different part of the house just to get some variety into my system.