David Oliver Doswell

David Oliver Doswell

Who are you, and what did you write?

David Oliver Doswell. I wrote Meredith: The Future of Silicon Valley.

What hardware and software do you write with?

MacBook. Literally Apple Pages, until my editor had me switch to Microsoft Word for Mac. There’s more editing tools for writers there. At least there were at the time.

When and where do you write?

At the time after work. I was a software engineer at PayPal during the pandemic and wrote on nights and weekends. Sometimes during the day between work, if my mind busted a spring. I write from my desk. I bought a glass office desk from Office Max in San Jose a few years ago. Pretty sturdy. I sit near a window in my apartment now in Los Angeles. I’m most comfortable here. Couldn’t do it in a coffee shop.

What's your dream writing setup?

Pretty much what I have now: laptop, laptop stand, coffee. I’m writing something new and using Google Docs this time.